下载 gCAP3D 全部代码
CAP = cap3D mtdcmp radpttn
SUBS = fft.o Complex.o radiats.o grid3d.o futterman.o sacio.o trap.o
all: $(CAP)
cap3D : %:%.o $(SUBS) cap_sub.o
$(LINK.f) -o $@ $^ -L$(SACHOME)/lib -lsac -lsacio
mtdcmp: mtdcmp.o
$(LINK.f) -o $@ $@.o
radpttn: radpttn.o radiats.o
$(LINK.c) -o $@ $@.o radiats.o -lm
%/mt.all: %/weight.dat
for dp in 10 15 20; do -G${HOME}/data/models/Glib -H0.2 -P300000/65 -Q0.02 -T50/100 -S2/5/0 -D2/1/0.5 -C0.05/0.3/0.02/0.1 -W1 -X10 -Mcus_$dp $*; head -1 $*/cus_$dp.out >> $@; done
%/ %/mt.all
( lt; $* > $*/ >& $@
rm -f $(CAP) *.o
上面是 Makefile 全部内容,在最上面增加一行
FC = gfortran -ffixed-line-length-none
把 14 行的 LINK.c 换成 FC,修改后如下
FC = gfortran -ffixed-line-length-none
SACHOME = /home/ubuntu/sac
CAP = cap3D mtdcmp radpttn
SUBS = fft.o Complex.o radiats.o grid3d.o futterman.o sacio.o trap.o
all: $(CAP)
cap3D : %:%.o $(SUBS) cap_sub.o
$(LINK.f) -o $@ $^ -L$(SACHOME)/lib -lsac -lsacio
mtdcmp: mtdcmp.o
$(FC) -o $@ $@.o
radpttn: radpttn.o radiats.o
$(LINK.c) -o $@ $@.o radiats.o -lm
%/mt.all: %/weight.dat
for dp in 10 15 20; do -G${HOME}/data/models/Glib -H0.2 -P300000/65 -Q0.02 -T50/100 -S2/5/0 -D2/1/0.5 -C0.05/0.3/0.02/0.1 -W1 -X10 -Mcus_$dp $*; head -1 $*/cus_$dp.out >> $@; done
%/ %/mt.all
( lt; $* > $*/ >& $@
rm -f $(CAP) *.o
另外还要给出 SACHOME 的位置,进行这些操作前需要安装好 SAC 软件。
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# A user-friendly PERL interface to the CAP3D source inversion code cap3D
# written by Lupei Zhu, 3/6/1998, Caltech
# revision history
# 6/18/2001 add usage and documentation.
# 11/05/2012 add isotropic and CLVD search (-J).
# 1/13/2013 add option to output potency tensor parameters.
# 04/15/2014 add option to use 3D Green’s function (-Y).
# 05/05/2015 no need of initial magnitude input.
# these are the only things one need to change based on the site installation
$home = $ENV{HOME}; # my home directory
require "$home/gCAP3D/"; # include plot script
$cmd = "cap3D";
$green = "$home/gCAP3D/models/Glib"; #green’s function location
$ngf = 3; #number of fundamental sources of 1D FK Green’s functions for DC
$eloc = ".";
$repeat = 0;
$bootstrap = 0;
$fm_thr = 0.01;
修改以上两项后,make 一下,会提示上图的错误。
重新安装 102 版 sac 问题解决,编译通过。
把 gCAP3D 的路径加入到 PATH,source .bashrc 就可以使用了。
下载 fk 源代码
tar -xvf fk3.3.tar
mkdir ~/src
mv fk ~/src
cd src
cd fk
修改 Makefile 文件,Makefile 里的文件有好多需要修改的,
fk3.3(下载于 2021-01-13,软件包中文件的最新日期为 2019-06-18)的原始代码存在一些问题,因而需要做一些小修改方可使用。主要修改如下:
参考 地震 “学” 软件中 fk 的修改方法,并且给出了 patch 文件,直接 patch 就可以了
patch < fk3.3-v20190618.patch
make clean
再把 fk 的路径加入到 PATH 中
export PATH=$SACHOME/bin:/home/ubuntu/gCAP3D:/home/ubuntu/src/fk/:$PATH
(base) ubuntu@ubuntu:~$
Usage: -Mmodel/depth[/f_or_k] [-D] [-Hf1/f2] [-Nnt/dt/smth/dk/taper] [-Ppmin/pmax[/kmax]] [-Rrdep] [-SsrcType] [-Uupdn] [-Xcmd] distances ...
-M: model name and source depth in km. f triggers earth flattening (off), k indicates that the 3rd column is vp/vs ratio (vp).
model has the following format (in units of km, km/s, g/cm3):
thickness vs vp_or_vp/vs [rho Qs Qp]
rho=0.77 + 0.32*vp if not provided or the 4th column is larger than 20 (treated as Qs).
Qs=500, Qp=2*Qs, if they are not specified.
If the first layer thickness is zero, it represents the top elastic half-space.
Otherwise, the top half-space is assumed to be vacuum and does not need to be specified.
The last layer (i.e. the bottom half space) thickness should be always be zero.
-D: use degrees instead of km (off).
-H: apply a high-pass filter with a cosine transition zone between freq. f1 and f2 in Hz (0/0).
-N: nt is the number of points, must be 2^n (256).
Note that nt=1 pute static displacements (require st_piled).
nt=2 pute static displacements using the dynamic solution.
dt is the sampling interval (1 sec).
smth makes the final sampling interval to be dt/smth, must be 2^n (1).
dk is the non-dimensional sampling interval of wavenumber (0.3).
taper applies a low-pass cosine filter at fc=(1-taper)*f_Niquest (0.3).
-P: specify the min. and max. slownesses in term of 1/vs_at_the_source (0/1)
and optionally kmax at zero frequency in term of 1/hs (15).
-R: receiver depth (0).
-S: 0=explosion; 1=single force; 2=double couple (2).
-U: 1=down-going wave only; -1=up-going wave only (0).
-X: dump the input to cmd for debug (fk).
* pute Green’s functions up to 5 Hz with a duration of 51.2 s and at a dt of 0.1 s every 5 kms for a 15 km deep source in the HK model, use -Mhk/15/k -N512/0.1 05 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
* pute static Green’s functions for the same source, use -Mhk/15/k -N2 05 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 > st.out
or use -Mhk/15/k -N1 05 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 > st.out
* pute Green’s functions every 10 degrees for a 10 km deep source in the PREM model. -Mprem/10/f -N512/5 -H0.01/0.02 -D 10 20 30 40 50 60
Author: Lupei Zhu, 02/15/2005, SLU
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